For Greg Baines he has adopted the ‘underdog’ status as the Labor candidate for Hume.
Mr Baines thinks it’s a two horse race between Labor and the Liberal. But, is “happy to see a strong independent, because it gets people thinking about their vote. 2022 is a very serious election and everyone has a very big decision to make.”
“It’s been a conservative seat for 50 years,” the teacher from Gunning said.
Coincidentally, he turns 50 this year and seems the right time for a change.
“I think Hume has been neglected, I think we have a member of parliament here who often absent and people complaint that people don’t see him.”
Mr Baines thinks politics should be done differently and is prepared to go out and meet the people when needed and engage with residents and business.
He said the climate change is real and is an issue that needs to be addressed in government.
The top three to do on his list includes:
A green and connected Hume, eliminating mobile blackspots and greater NBN fibre to the premises connection; mitigate against environmental change and developing green industry with a jobs focus, and; to do politics different ICAC is the first step and caps on campaigning and make sure politicians are out and about.
“Often politicians tell us what we think we need to hear; I want to be the politician that travels and understands the electorate and represents them in parliament, even if that means some difficult conservations with my own party.”
When asked if Labor has lost its grass roots, he said the party is adapting to the changing demographics.
“The Labor Party of 2022 is a Labor Party that does address those changes. We are offering free TAFE courses in areas of skills shortages for tradies and small business.
“I think our telecommunications and infrastructure policies are great for the farming community. I think we have changed, but demographics has changed as well.”
Mr Baines said his party has real polices to reduce “costs of living”. He recollected his own adolescences trying to make ends meet and said in “a country as rich as ours I think that is unacceptable.”
“We have practical policies…to lower electricity with solar banks and community batteries…there are very concrete things…it will take time to address the problems.”
“Most Australians work very hard, yet they are being left behind. It make me angry to see that. The gap between rich and poor which is growing motivates me.”
Mr Baines appealed to conservative voters to look at Labor’s “strong policy platforms”.
“We are the strongest option in Hume.”
