Matt Smolcic received an Order of Australia award (OAM) for service to aged welfare.
The Camden resident has a list of credits including:
Cardinal Stepinac Village Nursing Home – Chief Executive Officer, 1992-2019;
Liaised with state and federal government to purchase land and build an aged care residential service for 140 people, and;
Coordinated volunteers for fundraising and labour.
Church of St Nikola Tavelic:
Community Member, Construction Committee, 1980s,and;
Volunteer Fundraiser, Australia Day Appeal.
Australia Day Appeal Fundraising for:
Bush Fire Volunteer Brigades;
Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown and Westmead Hospitals;
Nyngan Flood Victims;
Canberra Bush Fire;
Sydney Bush Fires;
Tsunami Appeal;
Surf Lifesaving Equipment;
Cabramatta and Fairfield Libraries;
Cancer Council of New South Wales, and;
Westmead Children's Hospital.